News & Events

Power Company Solution, Text Outage Product, GBPI markets the new product

Visit: Text Outage and Text Dialog for a review of these new products and the many uses for text solutions for your business applications. 

Administrative Portal

 A web interface allows administrators to easily modify question text, question order, or add new questions.  With deterministic question flow, you can get just the information you need.  Additionally, one can manage behavior settings for the service, perform testing, and switch between active question sets.  A real-time display of incoming reports is readily available in the portal along with detail information about where the reports originated and the ability to send messages back to customers. 

The TxtDialog messaging system provides you with the ability to quickly and easily set up a series of questions that allows you and your customers to take advantage of the power and convenience of text messaging. This could range from offering customers a pizza ordering system via text message, to your workers reporting trouble tickets via text directly from the field as they happen.

Text  USC to 323 500 0226, then follow the text.  When you are done visit to view your text responses.  Select U.S. Cellular in the dropdown box and press submit.

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